How to install Flutter in Linux(Debian) based Systems

Flutter Homepage

On Linux, you have two ways you can install Flutter.

Install Flutter using snapd

open your terminal and use this command to install flutter

sudo snap install flutter --classic

after installing the flutter for the first time type flutter in the terminal as it will install all its dependencies and files


wait for it to install and then move forward to the pre-requisite section.

Or Install FLutter Manually

If you don’t have a snapd, or can’t use it, you can install Flutter using the following steps.

  1. Download the following installation bundle to get the latest stable release of the Flutter SDK:


  2. Extract the file in the desired location, for example:

cd ~/development
tar xf ~/Downloads/flutter_linux_2.2.3-stable.tar.xz

If you don’t want to install a fixed version of the installation bundle, you can skip steps 1 and 2. Instead, get the source code from the Flutter repo on GitHub with the following command:

git clone
  1. Add the flutter tool to your path:
export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin"

This command sets your PATH variable for the current terminal window only. To permanently add Flutter to your path, see Update your path.

How to check whether the flutter is installed properly or not?

Flutter Version

Before starting the development of the first app using flutter download these pre-requisites to ensure the app works smoothly

  1. Android Studio / Xcode (Macos specific)

Android Homepage

On Linux, you have two ways to install Android Studio.

Either download it directly from the site and install it or, use the terminal to install it, just as you installed flutter.

sudo snap install android-studio --classic

After downloading the Android Studio open the Android Studio from the App Drawer and perform the initial setup of it.

Create an Android Emulator to test the apps developed, for this follow the images below:

Android Studio

Click on the More Actions and select the AVD Manager option

Android AVDManager

Since there will be no AVD in the starting create a new Device using the Create Virtual Device Button and leave to default options if don’t want to edit the config of the device

Android AVDCreation

Upon successful creation, the AVD should start-up

Android Emulator

  1. Java JDK

To install use this command

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
Then set JAVA in path variable using
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64

(Optional step as you can install your preferred code editor)

  1. Visual Studio Code (Text editor to edit the code and install some plugins regarding the development)

VSCODE Homepage

Install the extensions :

  1. Flutter
  2. dart
  3. Pubsec Assist

To start and check with the Basic Hello World Project

create a directory to install the flutter app basics using the terminal

mkdir HelloWorld
cd HelloWorld

then use this command to create

flutter create helloworld

the files after the app are created using the above command

Flutter Files

Finally, time to run the flutter app
flutter run

Flutter App

If you still face the issue then use the flutter doctor command to find out what’s not installed and needs a look
flutter doctor

Hope this tutorial helped you in some way. Thank you for following it.

db-concepts / linux / flutter-installation / networking / raspberry-pi